2016 publications

Book Chapter
Ertürk, E. M. (2016). Toplumsal Cinsiyet(Gender). Davranış Bilimleri (in Behavioural Sciences), kitabında bölüm.Editör M. Zencirkıran. Bursa: Dora. (ISBN: 978-605-9666-43-5)

Mehdiyev, N. (2016). “Одобрение фундаментализма или отклонение от эвиденциализма” (Temelciliğin Savunusu ya da Delilciliğin Reddi/ Defence of Foundationalism or Rejection of Evidentialism) an assay in an International Monography, published by Russian Federation, Novgorod State University.
Book Chapter Translation:

Ertürk, E. M. (2016). Albert Bandura, chapter translation in Öğrenmenin Psikolojisi.  Olson, M. H. ve Hergenhahn, B. R. Translation Ed.: M. Şahin,  (Original Title: Theories of Learning, 9th edition) Ankara: Nobel.  ISBN: 978-605-320-515-9

Book Chapter translation edit:

Ertürk, E. M. (2016). Jean Piaget, Ertürk, chapter translation ed. in Öğrenmenin Psikolojisi. Olson, M. H. ve Hergenhahn, B. R. Translation Ed.: M. Şahin,  (Original Title: Theories of Learning, translation from 9th edition) Ankara: Nobel.  ISBN: 978-605-320-515-9

Ertürk, E. M. (2016). Edward Chace Tolman, chapter translation ed. in Öğrenmenin Psikolojisi. Olson, M. H. ve Hergenhahn, B. R. Translation Ed.: M. Şahin,  (Original Title: Theories of Learning, translation from 9th edition) Ankara: Nobel.  ISBN: 978-605-320-515-9


Ali Sertan Beşer, "Socrates as Historical and Philosophical Problem in Leo Strauss's Thought", Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, UFAD, AFSEA, Baku 2016, issue 39, no. 2, pp. 55-78.

Book Review

Ali Sertan Beşer, Book Review: Leo Strauss's Defense of Philosophical Life: Reading What Is Political Philosophy?, Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, UFAD, AFSEA, Baku 2016, issue 38, no. 1, pp. 109-118.

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