Humanities and Social Sciences Conference Series

We held a series of Conferences on 2015-2016 Academic year.
The detailed infromation is below.


27th of October, 2015
"Felsefe-Bilim-Din ilişkisi/The Relationship Among Philosopy, Science, and Religion"
Prof. Dr. Caner Taslaman (Yıldız Technical Universtiy, Department of Philosophy)

24th of November, 2015

"Sosyal ve Kültürel Antropolojide Etnografik Yöntem/Ethnographic method in Social and Cultural Anthropology"
Yrd. Doç Dr. Ebrar Akıncı (İstanbul University, Department of Anthropology)

22nd of December, 2015

"Düşünce Üretiminde Zaman Bilincinin Yeri/The Role of Awareness of Time in Thought Production"
Prof. Dr. Ayhan Bıçak (İstanbul University, Department of Philosophy)


24th February, 2016

“Günümüz İran’ında Türk-İslam Mimarisi/Turkish-Islamic Architecture in Today's Iran”

Öğr. Gör. Hamidreza Sohrabiabad (Kırklareli University)

30th March, 2016

“İnsani Sınırlarımız İçinde Dinî Çeşitliliği Yorumlamak/Interpretation of Religious Diversity within Humanistic Boundaries”

Prof. Dr. Rahim Acar (Marmara University)

27th April, 2016

“Sosyal Bilimlerde Şans Faktörü/Chance Factor in Social Sciences”

Doç. Dr. Hasan Yücel Başdemir (Yıldırım Beyazıt University)


25th May, 2016

“ İbn Rüşd Felsefesinin Günümüze Yansımaları/Reflections of the Philosophy of Ibn Rusd on Today”

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Sarıoğlu (Trakya University)


This content was issued on 25.12.2015 and has been viewed for 859 times.